North Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BW
028 276 62340

Welcome to Year 2

Mr McLean's Class


For everything you need to know about Year 2 please read our

Year 2 Welcome Note

Check out what activities we have been getting up to in the classroom


P2JMcL practise their HFWs
31/05/2024 9:30 AM
P2JMcL practise their HFWs

In P2, we love to find different interesting and fun ways to practise spellings. Yesterday, we were practising our high frequency words by playing board games, playing iPad games, writing in rainbow colours and coming up with fun sentences!

P2JMcL enjoys Eco Week
23/05/2024 4:00 PM

This week P2McL have been taking part in Eco Week. 
Today we learned all about the Environment and did Circle time  where we shared all our ideas on how to help the Earth. 

Don't we look great in green? 


Freeze!! P2McL show their tableaus
9/05/2024 2:00 PM

P2McL have been putting their dramatic sides to good use in class this week- with some tableaus!

Miss Foster chose a fairytale and P2 worked together in teams or as a class to come up with a scene from that fairytale. Then, we used only our bodies to retell that part of the story!

We have included our tableaus for you all to see if you can tell which fairytale we are acting out. (Hint- if you’re stuck you can use the emojis to help!)





P2 JMcL show off their certificates!
25/06/2024 12:40 PM

Today we received our certificates for getting Gold and Silver for Reading Eggs, Mathseeds and Fast Phonics- didn't we do well? 


P2JMcL school trip
24/06/2024 6:00 PM
P2JMcL school trip

We had a great day today at the Jungle, keep your eyes peeled to see what we did! 

P2 will be a few minutes late
24/06/2024 1:58 PM

year 2 will be around 5-10 minutes late in getting back from their trip. 

Fee fi do fum! P2McL grew beanstalks
22/06/2024 9:00 AM
Fee fi do fum! P2McL grew beanstalks

After learning all about Fairytales this term, P2JMcL finished up by planting beanstalks just like our favourite story, Jack and the beanstalk! 
Maybe they'll grow tall enough for us to climb! 

Information for year 2 trip on Monday
21/06/2024 4:24 PM
Information for year 2 trip on Monday

For year 2 children going on our trip on Monday, here is some helpful information.

Pupils should be at school for 9am sharp as our bus leaves at 9:15am. We should be back for the usual home time at 2pm.

What to wear: it is school uniform for the top half. Jumpers, cardigans and tops as usual but weather appropriate tracksuits or shorts with trainers on the bottom half are ok as the children will be outside. Coats are also needed as the weather is unpredictable.

Please bring a disposable packed lunch for your child in a named plastic bag. 

We hope you're looking forward as much as we are!




Year 2 had a masquerade ball!
12/06/2024 4:00 PM
Year 2 had a masquerade ball!

Last week, year 2 hosted a masquerade ball! We made our own masks and got dressed up as part of our 'once upon a time' unit. We played some party games and had a dance party while all dressed up in our best costumes!


Year 2 sports day!
12/06/2024 3:30 PM
Year 2 sports day!

Year 2 had a fantastic sports day last week with everyone taking part in sprints, obstacle courses and egg and spoon races! We all had so much fun and we even won some medals!



P2JMcL practise their HFWs
31/05/2024 9:30 AM
P2JMcL practise their HFWs

In P2, we love to find different interesting and fun ways to practise spellings. Yesterday, we were practising our high frequency words by playing board games, playing iPad games, writing in rainbow colours and coming up with fun sentences!

P2JMcL enjoys Eco Week
23/05/2024 4:00 PM

This week P2McL have been taking part in Eco Week. 
Today we learned all about the Environment and did Circle time  where we shared all our ideas on how to help the Earth. 

Don't we look great in green? 


Freeze!! P2McL show their tableaus
9/05/2024 2:00 PM

P2McL have been putting their dramatic sides to good use in class this week- with some tableaus!

Miss Foster chose a fairytale and P2 worked together in teams or as a class to come up with a scene from that fairytale. Then, we used only our bodies to retell that part of the story!

We have included our tableaus for you all to see if you can tell which fairytale we are acting out. (Hint- if you’re stuck you can use the emojis to help!)





P2 JMcL show off their certificates!
25/06/2024 12:40 PM

Today we received our certificates for getting Gold and Silver for Reading Eggs, Mathseeds and Fast Phonics- didn't we do well? 


P2JMcL school trip
24/06/2024 6:00 PM
P2JMcL school trip

We had a great day today at the Jungle, keep your eyes peeled to see what we did! 

P2 will be a few minutes late
24/06/2024 1:58 PM

year 2 will be around 5-10 minutes late in getting back from their trip.