North Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BW
028 276 62340

Welcome to Year 4

Mrs Murphy's Class


For everything you need to know about Year 4 please read our

Year 4 Welcome Note

Check out what activities we have been getting up to in the classroom


Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball : Fantastic Fun Day.πŸŽ‰πŸ›πŸ˜Š
28/06/2024 12:00 AM
Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball : Fantastic Fun Day.πŸŽ‰πŸ›πŸ˜Š

Year 4 on Tuesday 25th June 2024, held an Ugly Ball Day. Great fun activities were held in school for all the boys and girls in Year 4.

First there was an Ugly Bug Ball Parade, colouring competitions, pass the parcel and team games in the Assembly Hall, craft making caterpillars, enjoying party snacks and swamp juice, decorating ladybird biscuits, outdoors participating in parachute games, treasure bug games and having such a fantastic, fun day.

Many thanks to our  parents/ carers, for your help and support with having your child come to school dressed in such interesting costumes and or colourful Minibeast outfits.

Also a huge thanks to all our Year 4 non- teaching staff, Mrs Hiscock, Mrs McIlreavey, Mrs Duncan, Miss Campbell and to Mr Johnston in preparing and helping with our Year 4 Fun Day. Finally many thanks to Mrs McNaughton for all her help with preparing " Pass the Parcel, " and various activities, to make the Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball, such a fun day for everyone in Year 4.πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š

Have a lovely summer.

Many thanks,

Mrs Murphy.

Head of KS1.

















Ugly Bug Ball : Year 4 : Mrs Murphy’s Class
28/06/2024 12:00 AM
Ugly Bug Ball : Year 4 : Mrs Murphy’s Class

On Tuesday 25th June 2024, Year 4 had a fabulous, fun day participating in an Ugly Bug Ball Day.

Have a look at the Highlights of the Ugly Bug Ball fun activities.

The boys and girls in Mrs class enjoyed a fun day dressing up as Minibeasts, Team bug games, party bug snacks and swamp juice treats, finding Minibeast in the treasure sand, colouring competitions, decorating ladybirspd biscuits and participating in Year 4 party games and outdoor parachute games.

Wow, what a fun day we all had participating in the Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball.


Mathletics Certifcates achieved in Mrs Murphy class.
29/06/2024 12:00 AM
Mathletics Certifcates achieved in Mrs Murphy class.

 The boys and girls in Mrs Murphy's class have all worked hard this term, to all achieve Mathletics Certificates during the months of May and June. Each boy and girls achieved certificates ranging from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Emmerald in Mathletics.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š.

Have a lovely summer.β˜€οΈ

Mrs Murphy.


4JM Shape Poems Using Communication & ICT skills in WAU Thematic Topic, β€œIt’s a Bugs’ Life.”
29/06/2024 12:00 AM
4JM Shape Poems Using Communication & ICT skills in WAU Thematic Topic, β€œIt’s a Bugs’ Life.”

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed the WAU Thematic topic, " It's a Bugs' Life." Using Communication and UICT skills, the poems about Minibeasts and animals were illustrated in creative shapes. Amazing, illustrated poems were achieved by all the boys and girls in Mrs Murphy's class. Congratulations! πŸŽ‰





UICT Coding and Animation : Mrs Murphy’s Class Term 3
29/06/2024 12:00 AM
UICT Coding and Animation : Mrs Murphy’s Class Term 3

During Term 3, the boys and girls in Mrs Murphy's class enjoyed learning to develop and further their UICT skills of coding and animation. Using Scratch Jr, they animated characters to produce interesting moving stories, to complete Level 1 and progress to Level 2 during ICT assessment tasks. Well done to all the boys and girls for their hard work and interest learning new skills in UICT in Year 4.πŸ‘πŸ˜Š






Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball : Fantastic Fun Day.πŸŽ‰πŸ›πŸ˜Š
28/06/2024 12:00 AM
Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball : Fantastic Fun Day.πŸŽ‰πŸ›πŸ˜Š

Year 4 on Tuesday 25th June 2024, held an Ugly Ball Day. Great fun activities were held in school for all the boys and girls in Year 4.

First there was an Ugly Bug Ball Parade, colouring competitions, pass the parcel and team games in the Assembly Hall, craft making caterpillars, enjoying party snacks and swamp juice, decorating ladybird biscuits, outdoors participating in parachute games, treasure bug games and having such a fantastic, fun day.

Many thanks to our  parents/ carers, for your help and support with having your child come to school dressed in such interesting costumes and or colourful Minibeast outfits.

Also a huge thanks to all our Year 4 non- teaching staff, Mrs Hiscock, Mrs McIlreavey, Mrs Duncan, Miss Campbell and to Mr Johnston in preparing and helping with our Year 4 Fun Day. Finally many thanks to Mrs McNaughton for all her help with preparing " Pass the Parcel, " and various activities, to make the Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball, such a fun day for everyone in Year 4.πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š

Have a lovely summer.

Many thanks,

Mrs Murphy.

Head of KS1.

















Ugly Bug Ball : Year 4 : Mrs Murphy’s Class
28/06/2024 12:00 AM
Ugly Bug Ball : Year 4 : Mrs Murphy’s Class

On Tuesday 25th June 2024, Year 4 had a fabulous, fun day participating in an Ugly Bug Ball Day.

Have a look at the Highlights of the Ugly Bug Ball fun activities.

The boys and girls in Mrs class enjoyed a fun day dressing up as Minibeasts, Team bug games, party bug snacks and swamp juice treats, finding Minibeast in the treasure sand, colouring competitions, decorating ladybirspd biscuits and participating in Year 4 party games and outdoor parachute games.

Wow, what a fun day we all had participating in the Year 4 Ugly Bug Ball.


Mathletics Certifcates achieved in Mrs Murphy class.
29/06/2024 12:00 AM
Mathletics Certifcates achieved in Mrs Murphy class.

 The boys and girls in Mrs Murphy's class have all worked hard this term, to all achieve Mathletics Certificates during the months of May and June. Each boy and girls achieved certificates ranging from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Emmerald in Mathletics.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š.

Have a lovely summer.β˜€οΈ

Mrs Murphy.


4JM Shape Poems Using Communication & ICT skills in WAU Thematic Topic, β€œIt’s a Bugs’ Life.”
29/06/2024 12:00 AM
4JM Shape Poems Using Communication & ICT skills in WAU Thematic Topic, β€œIt’s a Bugs’ Life.”

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed the WAU Thematic topic, " It's a Bugs' Life." Using Communication and UICT skills, the poems about Minibeasts and animals were illustrated in creative shapes. Amazing, illustrated poems were achieved by all the boys and girls in Mrs Murphy's class. Congratulations! πŸŽ‰



