North Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BW
028 276 62340

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Each month within school we focus on a different value. This October we focused on Kindness.


As a Rights Respecting School this month we are focusing on
Article 2
Everyone has the right to be treated with kindness regardless of gender, religion, language, abilities, or any other status, whatever they think or say whatever the family background.

As for last year, within school we are going to consider showing kindness to those that live nearby and to those that live far away. In relation to this we will be focusing on two school projects.

Project 1 involving Year 1 – 4 Pupils

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
During our Zoom assembly last week we talked about Team Hope Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. In relation to this
project we are hoping to put together a Christmas Shoe Box from each Year 1 - 4 classroom and we would love it if
each Year 1 - 4 pupil could bring in one small item to add to their class shoebox.
We discussed the different items that could be included under the four words, Wash, Write, Wear and Wow!


Project 2 involving Year 5 – 7

Ballymoney Food Bank Collection
In relation to this project we would love it if each Year 5 – 7 pupil could bring in one small item for a whole school

Thank you for our Shoe Box Collection.


Thank you for our Food Bank Collection.


Both of our projects were an amazing success and we just want to thank all the parents and children for their generous show of Kindness in support of our theme. 


All the children also help to creat our KINDNESS TREE. Every child designed a heart highlighting which acts of Kindess they had show to those round out. These simple acts help our tree to really bloom.

As well as design hearts, children who showed amazing acts of kindness were nominated within each class to recieve the Kindness award of this month.

We have all worked hard during our first half term of the school year.. We worked together to create a lovely harvest thanksgiving to share with you our parents. Please click the link below andwe hope you enjoy our production.




Here are some pictures of our fantastic outfits for 

 Ditch the Dark Day - Oct 2021 


Here are our Mathletics Gold and Silver Certificate Winners for the month of October


Want to see what else we have been up to this school year?

Please click the months below to be taken to the revelent page.
