North Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BW
028 276 62340

Foyer Display

       7TS - Unsinkable / Hokusai 6FG - Volcanoes
7TS’s current theme is called ’Unsinkable’. In an Art & Design lesson, we looked at how water has been depicted by analysing the work of the Japanese artist Hokusai, with a specific focus on his well-known painting, ’The Great Wave off Kanagawa’. The pupils first sketched a basic outline of the image and then painted it. I am so proud of how these beautiful works of art turned out. Some pupils who had reservations about their ability to paint surprised themselves, which was excellent to see. We also read the story, ’The Great Wave’, by Veronique Massenot. This story that was inspired by this famous painting.  Miss Graham’s class were learning about volcanoes as a part of their WAU topic ‘It’s a Disaster!’. The children used pastels and splatter painting to create volcano pieces inspired by the English artist Nick Rowland. They also made a junk model volcano which we will erupt before the Easter break.
Well done Year 6! Your artwork looks fantastic!




Pancake Day

Today in Year 2, We celebrated pancake Tuesday by eating some delicious pancakes, with butter and jam. This was a super treat! We all love pancakes in Year 2.

New Resources!

Ekkkkkkkkkk… delivery day! Some of our new resources have arrived for our Play-Based Learning. Excited is an understatement. We can’t wait to explore all the learning opportunities these have to offer.

Some of our pupils and staff joined in by dressing up as a book character. 

Click the link below to check out our pupils who dressed up for World Book Day. Everyone looks fantastic!


World Book Day

We all enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Every class took part in various activites across our school.


Science Week

Science Week, 11th-20th March, was held in Ballymoney Model IPS. The pupils in all classes particatiped in a a wide variety of exciting, fun and interactive events, investigations suggested by British Science Week Early Years and Primary Activity Packs 2022, Primary Science Teaching Trust, Explorify, STEM, ESRO and Outdoor Surveys for the British Ornithological Society, What’s Under Your Feet Survey. Live webinars by the NFU( National Farmers’s Union) to explore the countryside, people, landscapes and animals and exciting exploration of Space with MARS Day on Monday 14th March 2022. STEM workshops are also being provided Free to specific classes to promote Scientific investigations and to promote careers in STEM. 
All of the Science Week 2022 activities have been selected to link in with each Year Group World Around Us Thematic Topics. 
An interesting Science Week of events and activities ahead, to look forward to in school.


ALMAC Presentation

Sentitus Microbit Coding Workshop

Year 5 had a fabulous, busy morning learning how to code using Microbits in workshops provided Free by Sentinus. A huge thanks to the Sentinus, STEM Ambassador, Mr S. Connolly for all his expertise and help in setting up this coding session and support and guidance given to all the pupils in Year 5. 
Have a look at the boys and girls in Mr Watt’s class enjoying the Sentinus Microbit Codiing Workshop today in school. Well done 5AW!
One of the highlights in Year 5, during our school Science Week 2022, was the Sentinus Microbit Coding Workshops, provided Free by Sentinus, to our school. The pupils in Mrs Thom’s Class thoroughly enjoyed this new Microbit Coding Workshop on Tuesday 15th March 2022. Thanks extended to the STEM Ambassador, Mr S.Connolly from Sentinus, who provided such a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm for Coding in Year 5 during Science Week. Many thanks also to the classroom assistants and teachers in Year 5 for their interest and help to the boys and girls during this activity.
Have a glimpse at the Future Careers in Microbit Coding in STEM.
Well done 5NT! 



     MARS DAY 2022 was celebrated in Year 5 and the pupils in Mr Watt’s class participated in the Live Webinars and quizzes, provided by the UK Space Agency, STEM Ambassadors and European Space Agency (ESA). The pupils learnt lots of facts about being an astronaut and coding techniques on how to launch a Space Rocket to the Planet Mars! 
Year 5 participated in Science Week Special today by exploring Mars with the European Space Agency ( ESA), the UK Space Agency, UK STEM Ambassadors and International Guests. The pupils in Mrs Thom’s Class enjoyed learning about Space, Being an astronaut and helping Robokid explore and find out about the Planet Mars in Space      


Resilient Rhymes


We were delighted to be able to organise music workshops with Resilient Rhythms. We are excited to have this opportunity starting on Thursday 3rd March.



Save the Children

At our School Council meeting we decided to hold a non-uniform day in order to support Save the Children’s Ukrainian Appeal. Children came to school on Monday 7th March in non uniform., and make a donation. Our money will fund school supplies, hygiene products and food. 

We would like to thank our school community for your support of our non uniform day in aid of Save the Children’s Ukrainian appeal. We raised a fantastic total of £500. This will go a long way to supply much needed resources to Ukrainian children

World Maths Day

World Maths Day is one of the largest educational events in the academic year. The aim is to get pupils excited and enthusiastic about Maths. To celebrate the day all our pupils engaged in online activites through Math Seeds and Mathletics. The children really enjoyed participating in these activities and as always they were excited and enthusiastic about Maths.


Turning the Page

Mrs Kennedy's Year 7 class enjoyed their first session with Causeway Coast Vineyard this morning.  Lots of fun was had by all.  We can't wait for our next two sessions!
Monday 28th March, 7RR enjoyed participating in their second session of Turning the Page. During the session they explored the qualities of good friendships, sympathy, empathy and trust.

Mrs Kennedy's class had their third and final session of Turning the Page today with members from the Causeway Coast Vineyard.  We talked a lot about thinking and how we can change to a positive mindset: should we let it go or let it grow?  I think this is a useful skill to take onto the next stage to big school!
TS completed their final session of ‘Turning the Page’ this week with the Causeway Coast Vineyard.  We discussed the need to have a positive mindset and the benefits this can have in our lives. 7TS really enjoyed these sessions and were very thankful for their goodie bag!



On Thursday 10th March, Mrs Mailey’s class walked down to Ballymoney Library. Wendy, the librarian, was so impressed by the knowledge of the class about the library. The pupils enjoyed looking through the books and using the self-checkout in the library. Prior to the visit, pupils who didn’t have a library card filled out an application form. On the day, they got it registered and were able to take books home with them. What a fun-filled morning it was!

Library Visit


On Thursday 24th, Miss Graham’s class had a fantastic time at Ballymoney library. They received a talk about book genres and answered some tricky questions aboutWilliam Shakespeare. Their favourite parts were browsing the books and checking-out books on their library cards.

Football Team

Mullan Cup

What a performance by all the footballers who attended Wednesday’s tournament at Score in Coleraine. The team started off strong in their group division securing 3 wins against our opposing teams, this secured us a place in the Quarter-final. Knowing the competition was getting stronger, the team came on with a positive attitude and won their fourth match of the day. With the Final in our sights, we set off into the Semi-final with high hopes. With both teams fighting hard to score goals, Ballymoney Model came out in front. We made it to the Mullan Cup Final! Knowing it wasn’t going to be an easy match and the scoring staying level, two minutes before the final whistle blew, a tremendous goal was scored! Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School won the Mullan Cup! 

Well done to all footballers, you made our school proud! 

Killowen Cup

Well done to the footballers who won all their matches in the group stages of the Killowen Cup. We are delighted to get through to the next round. Everyone played exceptionally well and once again made our school very proud! Thank you to the parents who came along today to support our team! 

 Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary Schools football team win the Killowen Cup Final!


On Tuesday, the team travelled to Coleraine University to compete in the Killowen Cup Final. Knowing we had 4 strong teams to play against, the team started off strong securing their first 2-0 win. The team talked through tactics and after a strong fight we finished with a draw in our second match. Although this put us in a uneasy position going into our third match, the team showed fantastic determination and perseverance. With strong defence and a fantastic goal, we won our third game. Our final game was played straight after our previous match and the team were beginning to get tired. As a result, a goal was scored by the opposition in the first half. The half time whistle blew and we knew it was our last 7 minutes to win the title of the Killowen Cup. We came on the second half with a positive and determined mindset to turn the score board in our favour. Finally, with fantastic passing and communication, we scored a goal! Then right before the final whistle blew, another fantastic goal was scored by a player in our team! Ballymoney Model IPS won the Killowen Cup. Well done to all players and thank you to the parents who came along to support our team!

Celebrating Integrated Education

Every year during the month of March we celebrate integrated education.  This year we organised a competition for the best odd sock class photograph.  Many congratulations to Mrs Handforth's class for winning the competition.



Big Pedal Week

Eco- Schools North- Eastern Area Education Officer, Mr Lamrock, launched our Active Travel Week, starting on Monday 28th March. The Translink posters were presented to Mrs Robinson, Sustrans Leader, Mrs Murphy Eco- Schools Leader and to our Buildings Supervisor, Mr Johnston. Each class will be recording the number of active journeys to and from school each day. We look forward to the support and interest of Active Travel to school during next week in our local community.

Recycle with Michael

Ballymoney Model IPS, as an Eco Green Flag school is participating in the Salvation Army “Recycle with Michael.” This initiative is a fun and appealing way to encourage sustaining our environment, lessen the impact of landfills and to raise money for this Charity and funds for our school. The Salvation Army supports vulnerable and disadvantaged people across the Uk and the rest of the World.

“Recycle with Michael” bags can be brought into school from Tuesday 5th April and the Collection Salvation Army van will collect any donated items in the bags on Thursday 7th April.Pupils can obtain “Recycle with Michael” bags from his/ her class teacher, message has already been placed on Class Seesaw. 

We look forward to “Being Part of Something Great, further details on Salvation Army website for parents, children and schools.


Congratulations to the all our pupils who were awarded Certificates for Maths Seeds, Mathletics and Reading Eggs.

Well done, this is a fantastic achievement!


Keep up the great work everyone!



Reading Eggs

Math Seeds


Want to see what else we have been up to this school year?

Please click the months below to be taken to the revelent page.
